Effecting Global Change!

Hey, ladies. 

We do know that transformers step down and distribute current, yeah? Well, we are something of the sort too. As global transformers, we become agents of change where ever we are. Present yourself a living sacrifice. You shouldn’t do things because others are doing it. Being different is not as terrible as people make it out to be. Think of it as being unique. Standing out positively from the crowd. Like a rose among thorns.

You cannot give what you do not have! This is a saying we have become familiar with over time. Err, we know the new street mantra since APC got into power in Nigeria ‘Change begins with you’. To effect change in others, we must be changed ourselves! 

Okay, we don’t want to be seen as socially backwards and stunted. Still, we must be careful to not give in to excesses. You don’t scratch a Lamborghini with a nail just to write your name on it so, why flaw the perfection that is you? That’s one way to look at it, see? 

Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices only demands that we check our excesses and be dead to sin. No physical death is needed, please. You don’t need to compromise to effect global transformation. To catch a monkey, you don’t need to become a monkey but a hunter.

On the issue of checking excesses, we learnt in school that clothing is  meant to ‘cover’ our nakedness but today we have turned it around. Some of us ladies now dress to ‘expose’ more of our nakedness than is covered. How fair is that to the clothes? We’re making them lose their purpose. One duty of an agent of change is to aid purpose discovery! 

Checking excesses isn’t restricted to our physical appearance. It’s imperial that we check what goes into our minds. Be selective of the material we digest mentally. We check our thoughts. Check our actions. Is that next statement hanging at the tip of your tongue really necessary? Isn’t it a bit overkill? Really, do you need that extra helping? We should also check what and how we eat, ladies. If we don’t hoard the calories, we won’t have to worry about diet plans.

Now, effecting global change probably sounds complicated. It isn’t really. Play your part and effect change where you are, it’ll spread. Change is like a ripple effect one little stone in the water can generate a lot of ripples. Now, think about a lot of people throwing stones in that water constantly. The rippling would be unending. 

Being an agent of change is no easy feat but Rome wasn’t built in a day either! Let’s play our part starting today. We are more than just pretty faces. We are beyond beauty!


 Obinna Faith, writer and singer, Beyond beauty DGI. Editor: Peace G Diogo

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